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 ABT_Deutschland_Courthousesterdam ©Fernando Guerra FG+SG

Our responsibility

100% Engineering

ABT Deutschland GmbH is the german business unit of the Oosterhoff ecosystem. Our mission is to bring the innovative and integral nature of advanced and multidisciplinary engineering across the border.

Ensuring that this happens within (inter)national regulations is our responsibility.


The Ecosystem

We are part of 


Oosterhoff currently brings together 14 entities in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium with a total of 600+ employees and expertise in relevant technical disciplines.​​​​

Each organisation has its own focus, the expertise of which we, as ABT Germany, can offer our national and international clients in a combined package. Our multi- as well as interdisciplinary team of specialists brings a wealth of experience in providing high quality technical and architectural solutions to clients across a wide range of business sectors.

Our commitment to sustainability means that in the process we strive to create a future-proof environment with each of our projects.


With our multidisciplinary engineering team, we make possible what was  considered unthinkable.


Together with our clients we create a sustainable future - project by project.


We do not only design out of the box, but also beyond boundaries. 


We are curious to push boundaries of conventions

Understanding the architect's vision and interpreting it into technology is what we see as our challenge. 

Whether new or existing buildings, whether high-rise buildings and buildings from the cultural, leisure, health, commercial or municipal sector; we have the best team of specialists for every project.


National and international


The Natural Pavilion_ABT_Deutschland_©DariaScagliola&StijnBrakkee


Unsere Verantwortung

The Natural Pavilion - Experimentierfeld für eine kreislauforientierte Zukunft.

Almere, die achtgrößte Stadt der Niederlande, organisierte im vergangenen Jahr die Floriade mit dem Thema „die grüne Stadt der Zukunft“. Globale Erwärmung, biologische Vielfalt, Luftqualität und Wasserbewirtschaftung – all diese Themen  sind oder werden zukünftig zu einem Problem. Wie können Städte, in denen  im Jahr 2050 80 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung leben werden, damit umgehen?

Our magazine

Material innovations,

planning approaches and project backgrounds

About us

Introducing the team

Since October 2017 we are located in the Mies van der Rohe Campus Krefeld.

The characteristic Bauhaus style of the location is also reflected in our premises with the look and feel of Oosterhoff and modern technical infrastructure.



+49 151 50416191



Abt Deutschland GmbH

Mies van der Rohe Campus

Entrance E 49 

Weyerhofstraße 68

47803 Krefeld


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© ABT Deutschland GmbH 2023


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